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Shanghu Formation
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Shanghu Fm base reconstruction

Shanghu Fm

Cretaceous, Paleogene

Age Interval: 
Early Paleocene - Danian, K2-E1s, (Cret 42a, Cenoz25c)


Type Locality and Naming

The naming section is located near Shanghedong and Wutoujiang, Hukou Township, in Luofozai, 12 km northeast of Nanxiong County, Guangdong (114º26', 25º06'), and the reference section is located in the vicinity of Pingling and Gucheng 25 km northeast of Nanxiong County. In 1973 Zhou Mingzhen et al. named the lower member of the Luofozhai Formation the Shanghu Member (published in 1977); in 1976 Tong Yongsheng et al. renamed the member the Shanghu Formation.

Lithology and Thickness

Purplish red or brownish red sandy mudstone and mudstone with sandstone, intercalated with thin-bedded gravel-bearing sandstone or lenses, containing abundant ginger-shaped calcareous concretions, 450–600 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 
Sandy claystone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

It has a disconformable or conformable contact with the underlying Nanxiong Gr (Zhenshui Fm). Regionally, there is the coeval Danxia Fm.

Upper contact

It has a conformable contact with the overlying Nongshan Fm (middle Paleocene).

Regional extent




The formation yields dinosaur egg Oolithes sp., mammals Anagalidae and Bemalambdidae, and ostracods, charophyte fossils. The formation contains abundant fossils of various groups, mainly including ostracods, gastropods, Estheria, reptiles, mammals, charophytes and sporopollen. At present at least fossils of 5 orders (Anagalida, Tillodonta, Nudibranchia, Pantodonta and Carnivora), 13 genera and 18 species of mammals have been found; they come from three fossils beds. The main species are Astigale nanxiongensis, Linnania lofoensis, Pappictidops acies, Yantanglestes feiganensis, Lofochaius brachyodus, Bemalambda nanshiungensis B. crassa, etc. In the sporopollen there appear large quantities of Quercoidites, Cupuliferoidaepollenites and Ulmoideipites, as well as arid elements such as Schizaeoisporites and Ephedra. This suggests that the flora in neighboring areas has deciduous broadleaf and evergreen broadleaf forests formed in a tropical-subtropical climate, below which various types of pteridophytes were prosperous. Furthermore, data of mammal fossils found in the Nanxiong basin and other areas of southern China in the last three decades indicate that the most distinct and important feature of Early Paleocene in Asia is that endemic groups (e.g. Anagalida etc.) characteristic of Asia predominate while groups that are close to or common with those on other continents are rare. Therefore, on the whole, in the Early Paleocene commonly no pronounced, direct exchange phenomenon is found between the Asian continent and Europe and America. The region may be an isolated one in zoogeography, and at least no corridor-style passageway such as “Bering land bridge” existed between these continents.


Its age was previously considered to be Early to Middle Paleocene (Zheng jiajian et al., 1999). Recent study assigns this formation to Early Paleocene (Li et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019). Wang, Y.Q., et al. (2019, Paleogene Integr. Strat. Timescale China; Sci. China: Earth Sci., 62) assign as early through mid-late Danian. However, presence of dinosaur eggs indicate it extends down into Maastrichtian (Wan Xiaoqiao, Cretaceous entry).

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

According to an analysis of clay minerals, during the deposition of the formation, the degree of salinization was high and evaporation was strong. The formation was deposited in a hot, lakeshore environment.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Paleocene: Tao Deng, Yuanqing Wang, Qian Li, et al.

Cretaceous: Wan Xiaoqiao